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Would you consider donating eggs?

All healthy women aged between 18 and 35 are allowed to donate eggs. This is also the case if you are receiving fertility treatment.

For more and more couples, egg donation is the way to have their dream of a baby come true. However, there’s a huge lack of unfertilised eggs in Denmark, and this means long waiting lists for couples whose only chance of help is egg donation.

If you’re in good health, physically as well as mentally, and have a desire to help women less fortunate than you by donating some of your eggs, we would very much like to hear from you. The more donors we have, the more childless couples we can help.

This is why I became an egg donor

Exclusion and Quarantine

You cannot become an egg donor:

  • If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is outside the normal range corresponding to 19 - 29
  • If you are a regular or social smoker
  • If you’ve had a piercing, tattoo or scarification within the last 6 months
  • If you’ve had sex with a man, who had sex with another man
  • If you have injected drugs for non-medical reasons
  • If you have a bleeding disorder or coagulation disturbances
  • If you’ve had sex in exchange for drugs or money
  • If you’ve had sex with a person, who is supposedly infected with HIV or hepatitis B or C within the last 6 months
  • If you have physical signs of a genital disease
  • If you or members of your family have serious, hereditary genetic diseases

This is how it is done

While you’re undergoing the treatment described above to donate the eggs, the receiving couple will be undergoing investigation and preparation to receive your eggs.

First, you come in for a consultation with the doctor. Here you'll be informed about the legal and ethical aspects of egg donation. You'll also be informed about the procedure in detail, to make sure you feel comfortable with it and know exactly what to expect.

If you still wish to become an egg donor after this conversation, we carry out some blood tests (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and HTLV) which are required by law. Furthermore, you’ll have a scan to check the position of your ovaries and pelvic conditions in general.

You’ll also be asked about hereditary diseases in your family and about you general physical and mental health. There are some recommendations in the legislation governing this area, and based on them the clinic checks that you meet the requirements and can become an egg donor.

When you donate eggs, the idea is to make sure several eggs mature at the same time instead of just the one that’s usual in a menstrual cycle. This means you’ll need hormone treatment to stimulate your ovaries.

Below you see a plan of the treatment involved:

Step 1On day 1 of your cycle, you book an appointment for day 2 of your cycle. You can call us or send us an email, whichever way is more convenient for you.
Step 2On day 2 you come to the clinic for a scan and get a plan for your treatment. This is also the day you start the hormone treatment.
Step 3On day 9 you come in for a scan again. Here we measure the egg cells and count how many there are. We also find an appointment for a new scan.
Step 4When the largest of the egg cells measure 18 mm in diameter, we enhance the maturing of the eggs by giving an ovulation-triggering injection. Then after a 36-hour wait, the eggs can be extracted (aspiration).
Step 5The eggs are sucked out with a thin needle guided through the vaginal wall guided by ultrasound. After egg extraction you need to stay at the clinic for about an hour.

Compensation and medication

When you donate eggs at Aagaard Fertilitetsklinik, you’ll receive a compensation of DKK 7,000 per donation.

However, the law very specifically says that donation must be 100% voluntary, and that it must never be part of a commercial transaction.

We have the medication you need here at the clinic. You will receive this medication when you start your treatment.

Instruction video for medication

Types of donation

You can choose between 4 different types of donation

1. Anonymous donation

The receiving couple and the prospective child/children will only be informed about your basic profile; that is, the colour of your hair and eyes, height and weight and age at the time of donation. The anonymity is mutual and it is final and conclusive, which means that as a donor you’ll never be able to receive any information about the receiving couple and/or a prospective child/children.  

2. Non anonymous - non contactable

In this type of donation, in addition to your basic profile; that is, the colour of your hair and eyes, height and weight and age at the time of donation, you give the receiving couple and/or the prospective child/children permission to obtain access to additional information about you. You decide yourself which extra information they can have access to; it could be your job, hobbies, education, pictures of you as a baby etc.

The anonymity is mutual and it is final and conclusive, which means that as a donor you’ll never be able to receive any information about the receiving couple and/or a prospective child/children.  

3. Open donation

The receiving couple and the prospective child/children will only be informed about your basic profile; that is, the colour of your hair and eyes, height and weight and age at the time of donation.

As an open donor you give the clinic permission to reveal your identity to any child/children resulting from your donation when they turn 18 years of age. Furthermore, you consent to meeting such child/children.

4. Open donation with extended profile

In this type of donation, in addition to your basic profile; that is, the colour of your hair and eyes, height and weight and age at the time of donation, you give the receiving couple and/or the prospective child/children permission to obtain access to additional information about you. You decide yourself which extra information they can have access to; it could be your job, hobbies, education, pictures of you as a baby etc.

As an open donor you give the clinic permission to reveal your identity to any child/children resulting from your donation when they turn 18 years of age. Furthermore, you consent to meeting such child/children.

5. Donation from a known donor

This type of donation means that you donate eggs to a woman whose identity you know at the time of donation. In other words, you will both know each other’s identify. The law specifies that in this form of donation you cannot be related to the male partner in the receiving couple; that is, you cannot be his sister or cousin or be the daughter of his cousin, male or female.

All donations must be 100% voluntary. If you wish to become a known donor, the clinic is under a legal obligation to carefully examine your reasons for donating, to make sure that you donate eggs of your own free will. We do this at the first interview, and the receiver is not allowed to be present.

You can donate your eggs in multiple places, e.g. in both private and public clinics, however, you may only donate up to six times in total.

You can read more about the relevant legislation governing the area at (VEJ9351 - pkt. 9).

Ruf mich an, bitte

Ich habe die Aagaard-Datenschutzrichtlinie gelesen und verstanden und bin mit der Verarbeitung meiner persönlichen Daten gemäß dieser Richtlinie einverstanden. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich mich an dpo@virtushealth.ie wenden kann, wenn ich Fragen zur Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten habe oder die Einwilligung für diese Verarbeitung widerrufen möchte.

Egg donor info meeting

Dato kommer snarest

Overvejer du at blive ægdonor?

Har du spørgsmål, eller vil du vide mere omkring dét at være ægdonor?

Så kom til Ægdonor infomøde på Aagaard Klinik - mød Aagaards Ægdonor Team og en tidligere ægdonor.

Den (dato kommer snarest) fra 16:00 - 17:30

Vi byder på lidt lækkert at spise og drikke fra Joe & The Juice.

Kom og se klinikken, lær omkring processen og få dine spørgsmål besvaret i et trygt og fortroligt forum.

Tilmelding skal ske til: od@aagaardklinik.dk

Bliv ægdonor

Hvorfor blive ægdonor?