At some point in their life, most women and men consider starting a family. Wanting a child is natural, but having it can sometimes turn out to be more complicated than expected.
At Aagaard Fertilitetsklinik we offer all types of modern fertility treatments. We have a complete examination program for both women and men.
The Danish Act on Artificial Fertilization allows us to assist childless couples, lesbian couples and single women. We are allowed to offer treatment until the woman turns 46 (VEJ9351 - pkt. 5).
Childless couples can expect to be referred for fertility investigation after 1 year of having regular unprotected sex without getting pregnant. You may be referred sooner if there’s a known reason why it could be difficult to get pregnant, or because of the woman’s age (VEJ9351 - pkt. 5.1).
It’s legal to use donor eggs and donor sperm for fertility treatment in Denmark (VEJ9351 – pkt. 9). You’re allowed to choose which form of donation you prefer. This applies to the donors as well as the couples or single women who wish to have treatment using donor eggs or donor sperm (VEJ9351 – pkt. 9.2). All healthy women aged between 18 and 35 are allowed to donate eggs. This also applies if you are receiving fertility treatment (VEJ9351 – pkt. 9.4).
You can read more about the egg donation procedure and compensation here.