
Fertility Coach Jessie Egedal

Mental support during your fertility treatment. 

Feeling emotionally overwhelmed during your fertility treatment?

Life with fertility treatment can be unpredictable and full of new thoughts and emotional bumps. At Aagaard Fertility Clinic, we are aware that it can affect several aspects of your life. That's why we offer all our patients a one-hour personal interview with Fertility Coach & Grief Counselor Jessie Egedal.

Jessie Egedal knows personally about the challenges you face during fertility treatment. With 6 years in fertility treatment and more than 13 years of expertise as a coach, Jessie offers not only support but also practical tools to navigate through the emotional changes you may experience.

Testimonials from patients:

"During my course with Jessie, I was able to share how I felt, completely without a filter. I felt very safe and listened to, which made me dare to open up completely. This has led to me being able to put words to my feelings and with the help of tools can feel myself and my body again." 

"… it was so liberating to be understood and read like an open book. Even though it was online, Jessie can feel one through the screen. I've been "good" at holding back the tears, but it reads Jessie every time and gets me always to give free rein. Suddenly I could understand the feelings I was facing, why they were there and how to act on them so that I could be in everyday life with my husband and son."

As a specialist, Jessie Egedal is open to addressing even the most sensitive topics that you may experience may be difficult to share with others.

And with more than 13 years of experience as a coach and further training as a Grief Counsellor, Jessie emphasizes strategies and tools in the sessions to help you achieve calmness, emotional understanding and control. The goal is to restore surplus to a meaningful daily life, where life can be lived, and the feeling of loss of control and powerlessness is minimized. So you as a patient will be able to handle the psychological and emotional journey towards a pregnancy.

You can read more about Jessie Egedal here.

You can book your appointment with Jessie Egedal here. Please select "Appointment for Aagaard patients". The appointment takes place via Zoom.