
Helle Ringbøl Bitsch

Embryologue certifié et responsable de laboratoire

Embryologue certifié et responsable de laboratoire

I’ve got a degree in medical laboratory technology from 2000. I have many years of experience from the Department of Clinical Genetics at Aarhus University Hospital and I previously worked with IVF and PGD. You’ll meet me in the IVF and andrology laboratory where I undertake all the laboratory techniques used for IVF, ICSI, vitrification, cultivation in embryoscope and andrological procedures. I prioritize personal communication and place great value in the close collaboration between patients and staff.

New enquiries
+45 86 12 61 21

aagaard clinic
Aagaard Fertility Clinic offer the most comprehensive and cohesive range of treatments for gynaecology and fertility in Denmark.